
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Almost a Month

This Friday it will be a month since I moved to Coe Hill. So far, so good.

The solar/generator thing is generally working well. I was having a hard time working on art without the TV (Two hours a day is not near enough to get art done! You don't even feel like starting :( Blah) I know, you are going to say "I can work on art without TV", but seriously, no I cannot! Art is flowing and nonthinking, I NEED something for my list making thinking brain to do so my creative brain can be free to do it's thing. If list making thinking brain doesn't have something to do, it gets bored, and yep, no art gets done. Talking works also, but only if I'm not paramount in the conversation; i can listen, but not engage much. Engaging distracts my whole brain too much ad I get nothing done! So, I started running the generator 4 - 5 hours a day, which is allowing me to get some art done. I think at the moment, I am spending about $30-$35 a week on gas for the generator plus another $6 in oil, so yep, that pretty well killed any "off-grid" discount. However, at least I don't have the nasty old hydro company sending me nasty overpriced bills, which is a huge stress relief, and at least when it storms, I know I'll still have hydro.

A month in, I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 'off-grid" thing. There are some pros and cons. it would certainly be better suited for someone who was gone to work all day, not someone who works from home. However, it certainly could be worse and in general has worked ok.

The critters are doing well. So far (knock wood!) we haven't lost any hens or cats. They all seem to be enjoying the new environment a lot.

I'm enjoying the property a lot, I love all the trees, wildlife and solitude. The hardest thing for me to adjust to is the amount of people that have been here over the last month. In the last month,there has been friends here about a week and a half. I'm simply not use to all the people and find it a bit overwhelming. For me that's basically a year's worth of visitors in a month! It takes time to adjust. The dogs are also having a hard time adjusting to all the visitors. I'm pretty set in my ways and really like my space; hopefully as time goes on I'll adjust.

Work wise things are going fairly well. Getting dances is not quite as easy as it was in Wyoming, but I'm still getting enough. My online work was suffering a lot, but with the increase in TV that seems to be improving.

All in all, I'm enjoying the adventure thus far. Not sure if I like it as much as where I was living, time will tell.


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