
Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Make Marijuana Edibles

A dear fried asked me how to make marijuana edibles, so I thought I'd do a blog post with directions encase anyone else wanted to learn how to do it. Edibles are great for both pain and recreational use. They are also great for helping with sleeping and can help some mental health issues. Please talk to your Dr before using marijuana to treat symptoms and never stop taking a prescription without talking to your Dr first! Safety first!

There is numerous different ways to make edibles, this is just one of many.

To make marijuana edibles, we first must make cannabutter (cannabis infused butter) or canna-oil (cannabis infused oil)

I usually use olive oil or coconut oil. sometimes I use butter and if I'm in a pinch I'll even use margarine. You want something with lots of fat as the THC bonds to the fat.

You need:

1. 1/2 -1 quarter ounce of marijuana bud/flower or about an ounce of shake/leaf
2. One cup of olive or coconut oil or one cup of butter
3. Two cups of water
4. One teaspoon of Lecithin (Type doesn't matter)
(Lecithin helps the THC bond with the butter)

Step One: Prepare to Decarb

Cannabis must be decarbed to activate the THC. To prepare to decarb, you need to grind or break up you weed. Don't make it super fine, as it will be harder to strain if it super fine and a little larger surface is easier for the THC to bond to. Using a hand grinder works well.

This pic shows a quarter of bud/flower 

Using the hand grinder to break up the weed and prepare it for decarbing

Step Two: Decarb the weed

Once the weed is broken up, it should be spread out on a cookie sheet or something similar. Oven should be pre-heated to 225F. Once the oven is pre-heated, the cannabis should be put in the oven for 45-60 minutes. Give the cookie sheet a light shake every 15-20 minutes. You can use parchment paper (also called wax paper) on the cookie sheet too help make it easier to remove once decarbed. Decarbing STINKS, Prepare for your kitchen to have a strong marijuana smell during the process.

Step Three; Make Butter/Oil

Once decarbed, the weed will be light brown in colour. Add the two cups of water to a pot on the stove. heat up the water, then add your oil/butter. Once your oil/butter is melted and merged with the water, turn down the heat to as low as it goes and add your decarbed weed. Add 1 teaspoon of lecithin. Simmer for 2-6 hours. NEVER let it boil! If it boils you will burn off all the THC. stir every 20-30 minutes.

Weed in the pot of water and olive oil on the stove. 

The stove element is turned down to as low as possible. never let it boil!

Step Four: Strain and Separate the butter

Once the cannabutter/cannaoil is done it will be green in colour.  Take the oil off the heat and strain through a cheesecloth or strainer. the cannabis in the mixture can be thrown out. the THC and CBD from the marijuana is now in the butter/oil. Take the butter/oil and put it in a container and in the fridge or freezer for a couple of hours to separate off the water from the butter/oil. 

Once done your butter should look similar to this!

Use the butter to make cookies, a cake, on toast etc etc!

Edibles aren't hard to make, big thing, don't ever let it boil/burn! 

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