
Friday, September 27, 2013

Autumn Harvest

The trees have started to change colour and the summer’s harvest is almost all in.

It is has been a busy couple of months of constant harvesting and preserving. My cupboards are full of canned and pickled goods, and my freezer is almost full of frozen vegetables and fruits. I also have a basket of about 40 butternut, buttercup and acorn squash.

This summer I have made radish relish, dill relish, salsa and dill pickles. I have dried herbs and made fresh herb ice cubes. I have frozen over 60 pounds of tomatoes, more green and yellow beans than I can count, and about 30 pounds of carrots. I have also frozen tons of green onions, leeks, peas, turnip, corn, cabbage, lettuce and Swiss Chard.  In addition, I have lots of frozen watermelon in the freezer to pull out mid winter for the hens.

During the summer, I made several big pots of harvest soup, which is now safely in the freezer to be pulled out during the cold winter months. I also have some delicious homemade spaghetti sauce in the freezer.

To add to my stores, I am also drying beans for dried beans.

I’m actually looking forward to the dark half on the year. All this gardening and preserving is hard work. I look forward to doing some painting and crafts, and enjoying the fruits of my hard summer labour. I also look forward to a worry free winter; there is a great piece of mind knowing that you have at least enough basic food to keep your family well fed no matter what nature throws at you. It also gives me great piece of mind, to know that I won't have to pay the inflated grocery stores prices for my veggies this winter


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