
Saturday, April 12, 2014

All About Chocolate!

Almost everyone loves chocolate; it is one of the favourite foods worldwide. However, many do not know much about it. Here are some interesting facts about chocolate!

- Dark chocolate is an excellent antioxidant. Antioxidants help to fight free radicals that cause disease. Eating small amounts of dark chocolate help to fight everything from aging to cancer to high blood pressure to asthma. However, this is not true about all chocolate, just dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa the better. Look for chocolate that is at least 70 percent dark chocolate.

-Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than blueberries, green tea, red wine or even pomegranates.

- Milk chocolate is cocoa mixed with lecithin, vanilla, milk, sugar, cocoa butter and other assorted chemicals and preservatives. Sadly, it is not good for you at all.

- During production, chocolate absorbs lead. Fortunately, it is such a minuscule amount that there is no real concern of lead poisoning, unless it is eaten in pounds.

- Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to many animals, including dogs and cats.

- Eating a little chocolate helps to lift your mood and helps alleviate depression.

- By melting chocolate in your mouth, you increase both your brain activity and your heart rate more than you would from a passionate kiss.

- Chocolate does contain caffeine, yet it is far less than a cup of coffee or a can of pop.

- The word “chocolates” originally comes from either the Aztecan word 'cacahuatl' or ‘xocolatl’. It means “bitter water”.

- Chocolate comes from the cocoa bean which comes from the Theobroma Cacao tree. “Theobroma Cacao” means “food of the Gods” in Greek.

- Cocoa was once called cacao, but became cocoa due to the misspelling of the word.

- In the Ancient Aztec and Mayan cultures, it was believed that the cocoa bean came from Paradise and gave power and wisdom to those who ate it. The beans were so precious they were actually used as a type of currency.

- Due to the feel good properties in chocolate, it is considered an aphrodisiac.

- Chocolate does not actually cause acne. Improper diet and/or hormones cause acne.

- Americans love chocolate and consume almost half of the world's chocolate products each year. It is estimated that each American eats 12 pounds of chocolate per year.

- Chocolate is a good source of energy. Just one chocolate chip provides enough energy for an adult to walk 150 feet.

- Chocolate is high in fat. However, it does not raise cholesterol levels.

- Chocolate helps to alleviate PMS

- Cocoa is a good source of iron. Just one ounce of it has 10% of the daily recommended amount.

Chocolate is a delicious feel good food. However, its health benefits are only attainable through the eating of dark chocolate, cocoa nibs or other pure forms of cocoa. Enjoying it in moderation is also mandatory to profit from the health benefits. Sadly, milk chocolate, white chocolate and other chocolates that are low in coca, offer no real benefits and should only be eaten as an occasional treat. Therefore, the next time you need a boast in mood or energy, enjoy a small amount of dark chocolate guilt free. Not only does it taste good, it is also good for you!

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