
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Power Outage

Nova Scotia got hit with a storm Wednesday night/Thursday.We only got about 20-25cm of snow, but it was mixed with rain so extremely heavy and there was 80-100km winds.

The power went out at my place around 3am Thursday morning and came back on Friday night around 8pm. 

All of my town, Thorburn, lost power Thursday morning; however, the town's power was fixed and back on around 8pm Thursday night. Mine was not. My power was back on about 24 hours later.

Unfortunately one of the 30 foot pine trees down at my pond went down in the storm. As it fells it hit the hydro pole that was near by and ripped out the wires

With being the only house affected by the downed wires, we were at the bottom of the priority list, so I was pretty amazed when they showed up here yesterday, Friday, around 5pm. I thought they'd be a couple more days before they got to us.

The weather had been slightly above zero for the entire storm and the time after.even the night stayed at +1. Not high enough to melt the snow, but enough to make it a wet soggy heavy mess. The ground here isn't quite frozen, so it's really soft under the snow. too soft for the huge hydro truck to come down my quite steep 1km driveway. When the hydro guys first got here (they left their truck halfway and walked down) they weren't even sure if they would be able to fix it due to how soft the earth was! They were thinking they'd have to wait till it either froze or dried! That would of been horrible! Thankfully, that were super great guys and called in a pick up to bring the tools they needed down the hill to them. They had to cut down five more 30 foot tall pine trees at the pond. so sad :( Those trees were so beautiful. The pond looks so empty without them. It tooks them about 3 hours and they got the power back on! YAY!

So thankful! 40+ hours with no power sucks big time! I have guinea heats and ducklings that need heat that didn't have any that I was freaking out about and I was starting to run low on water for the animals. With 80+ poultry, 4 dogs and 4 cats, I go through a lot of water daily. I do have a propane heater so didn't freeze, but it alone doesn't do the best alone for keeping the house warm. We were at about +8. Not horrible, but still pretty chilly. 

Thankfully everyone is ok and all the critters are great :)

About three hours before the storm I got this little lady delivered.

A Bourbon Red turkey hen! She came from Cape Breton. She's super tame and sweet. :)

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