
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Safely Moved

Well, I got all moved to Coe Hill five days ago. I have the house mostly set up and looking good, and we have already gotten the main fire pit in and the chicken coop set up. All the fur and feather babies are loving it; the hens have a multitude of toads and insects to eat, the dogs have a multitude of trees to pee on, and the cats of a multitude of little animals to hunt! I am letting the hens free range at the moment, hopefully theydon't get eaten by anything!

The solar energy is working well. During the day it easily powers my computer and any little things I need. At night, there is a gas generator that I run for two - three hours to top off the batteries. At night, I can watch TV, do laundry and any other big energy user things that need done. All in all, it's a fine set up, easy to use and works well. There is a water tank in the house that I have to fill each day, but it's easy, I just push a button :)

The property is gorgeous. It's full of beautiful trees, large boulders and rocks, and lots of wild flowers and mushrooms. The wildlife here is amazing; so far deer, wolf, coyote, toads, frogs, birds and snakes have been seen.

I still haven't had a chance to explore the whole property (Ive been so busy getting everything set up!). I'm really looking forward to going out for a long hike by myself! It's a very spiritual place, being surrounded by Mother Earth. I am very excited to call my patron God Pan to the land!

The internet here is surprisingly fantastic. I have the same internet company as I did before, but due to the lack of customers in the area, it's 10GB more and $30 cheaper! Yippee!!

Here's a couple of pics from up around the house. The first pic shows a bit of the house, solar panels and some outbuilings. The second pic shows the hens doing their thing and the third shows the solar panels.

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