
Friday, July 24, 2015

Moving Day

Today I am moving to Coe Hill, Ontario! I am super excited to start this amazing new adventure! I have always wanted to live in the middle of a forest, surrounded by Mother Nature! It truly is a dream come true!

I'm a little nervous about the ride there, I have five hens, three cats and three dogs that are not going to enjoy 5-6 hours in a car. I am so blessed to have an awesome friend willing to take them all in her van.

It's been a hell of a crazy week,very tiring and stressful. There was some insurance problems; it s much harder to get house insurance on an "off-grid" home than a normal home, and we had a bit of a fit finding a fridge; propane fridges are hard to find and extremely expensive. From what I understand a lot of new laws have passed over the last couple of years, making going "off-grid" much harder.The government doesn't seem to like it when people try to get out of their system. You'd think with the ever dwindling natural resources that the Government would be encouraging people to be changing to alternative energy, but that really doesn't make them money.

Well, here's hoping today's move goes smoothly and all the fur and feather babies make it there safely! I won't have internet until Tuesday probably, so will update with photos when I'm back online.


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