
Monday, July 1, 2013

The Garden is starting to look like a Garden!

Its so nice, all our hard work is starting to really pay off and the garden is actually starting to look like a garden, not just a sea of green. There are actual rows now! :)

Still lots of weeding to do, but all the vegetables are pretty well dug out now and are no longer being taken out by weeds.

The photo below is of the small corn/cucumber and pole bean garden. The pole beans are starting to climb the trellis and the cucumbers are starting to flower. I'm hoping the cucumbers do well this year so i can make lots of relish and pickles.

I took down the Wyandottes coop last night so they would start sleeping in the big coop with the older ladies. They tried sleeping on top of the coop, but I gently moved them inside s they spent the night sleeping in the coop on a branch beside Poppy, our oldest hen. Its important that all the ladies sleep in the same coop so they become a flock. 

The flowers in the photo below grow in my front garden. There are day lilies. They are actually edible and their petals are great in salad. (Not all lilies are edible, Easter Lilies should not be eaten!). Day lilies grow throughout Ontario wild. You can read the wikipedia article on Daylilies

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