
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dwindling Power

As each day pases we are getting less and less power ... it's not pretty. At this point the solar power is making enough to power a light at night and to power a laptop/modem for a few hours a day ... that's it.

 Back in August, the solar power, powered my computer, plus a laptop and the modems all day (I had to run the generator 2-3 hours a night and that kept my computer etc going all day/night), now I can no longer use my main computer (the one I make art on) unless the generator is on.

So, basically I won't be able to make any online art now until I moved in March .... what a big bummer. (I'm planning on buying a cheap tablet next week I can use for my emails and other online work )

There are only four solar panels here and they are placed in a very bad location; they do not get any sun until at least 11am or so and are back in the shade by around 2pm. With the sun being less strong, the constant overcast skies, the poor location, and too few solar panels, it simply doesn't work well at all.

The generator was giving us problems again last week. It still keeps leaking oil and the air filter is constantly getting clogged by it. It's very frustrating.

The whole situation is frustrating.

Oh well, such is life.

Like everything in life, it's been a great learning experience

The woodstove has been working great, the coldest temperature we've had so far is -8 and it's kept the house wonderfully warm during that. I still cannot get the temperature read out thingy into the white, but I'm getting damn close! I had a nice fella (Thanks Brian!) write me and tell me the read out thingies don't always work right, so perhaps it's not me :)

My house hunting is going ok. I had two people respond to my "wanted" ad over the weekend. One person offered me a house right in Coe Hill (I turned it down as it's right in town) and the other offered me a 3 acre place near Belleville, but it was more expensive than I had in mind. My friend Carol is still working hard to find me a place in the Chatham area and I'm looking around the Coe Hill area, I'm sure between the two of us we'll find something great before March :) Honestly it can be a bit hard to find what I'm looking for; a country home that is very cheap that allows a pile of critters, so it can take some time.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Hugs!

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