
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lung Infection and Herbal Remedies

Hi! Hope everyone is well! I've been having a boring blah week. I unfortunately have a lung infection again :( and am stuck sitting around being very bored.

Boy, I tell ya, the solar sort of sucks at the best of time, but damn it really really sucks when you are sick. I can't move around, so I'm stuck sitting, and without limited TV and computer, there is not a lot to do.

I've read two books already this week and did some painting and other art, but it gets really boring after awhile.

It doesn't help that I haven't been able to work doing dances all week. It really adds to my boredom. I normally have 1-2 nice fellas to chat with daily. I'm also a little bummed as I had planned to treat myself to a tablet this week with my dances money (So I can go online easier), but that didn't happen as I have been too sick to dance :(

I've been getting slowly better every day. I'm taking some herbal remedies. However, if I'm not significantly improved by Tuesday, I'm going to stop in at the walk in clinic when I go to town.

So, here are a couple of good herbal remedies for chest/lung infections and bronchitis:

Bronchitis Shooter

1. One shooter glass of tomato juice
2. 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
3. 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
4. a clove of garlic, minced

Add the spices to the shooter glass of tomato juice

The shooter should be taken twice daily for two days. It BURNS A LOT! Be prepared. Have a glass of milk or some bread for immediately after doing the shooter.


Tea Tree Oil Steam

Fill a bowl with hot boiling water, add five drops of tea tree oil. Inhale the steam for about 10-15 minutes.

The tea tree oil will help kill any infections in your lungs.


Honey and onion cough syrup

Take a cup of honey and finely chop in an onion. Put in fridge and leave for a day. Take a tablespoon like cough medicine when needed.

The onion could be substituted with cinnamon; it tastes better than the honey/onion, but I didn't think it worked as well.


Of course whenever you are sick, you should increase your vitamin C and adding a little extra garlic to your diet always helps.

I look forward to being back to my normal self soon and I hope you are all staying healthy! Hugs!

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