
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Health Update

Well, I had an appointment with my specialist this afternoon. As usual, it went crappy. my specialist is just not a very caring person. She doesn't listen to me and I disn't even get a chance to tell her what's going on. She just can't be bothered. I go in with a careful and neatly written list of symptoms and she won't even take the time to read it over. I really don't like her and she makes me feel horrible, and like the two times before I left her office feeling depressed and sad.

I did get some test results back:

Blood tests: My B12 is great (I have pernicious anemia so that's super good), but my iron is crazy low. Iron should normally be around 50, I am at 7. That's not good. I have to start taking iron pills now (in addition to B12 and folic acid). Iron deficiency is usually caused by poor diet (Vegetarians and vegans often have low iron), but I have a very healthy diet, so that's not the problem. The Doctor didn't even ask what my diet was! You'd think she would of asked! The low iron levels would explain my huge lack of energy and several of my other symptoms. I'm really pissed, I googled my iron levels and they are dangerously low. Super dangerously low. I had the blood tests done back in Jan, why the hell didn't the Doctor call and let me know to start taking some iron pills? She seriously put my life in danger! What an asshat! Google tells me a blood transfusion is standard practice for anyone with iron under 7.8 ... sigh

The Doctor *thinks* maybe I have celiac disease, but I disagree. Celiac disease is a gluten intolerance and I don't seem to have that problem. I don't get a sick stomach from grains etc. However, Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease and once you have one (I have two already) you tend to get more, so it's possible.

The Doctor also found that my thyroid levels were low, but she wanted to retest in three months before medicating.

Breathing Test: My breathing test showed I have a COPD: stage 2 moderate obstruction lung disease. That's also very common with sarcoidosis. I got some fancy new expensive inhaler: Breo Ellipta. Hopefully it will help. It has a lot of side effects, so I guess we'll see how it goes.

She told me that my lungs were pretty damaged and I should try to take "short walks to rebuild them" of five minutes a couple of times daily ... LOL! Is she friggin' kidding me?! Again, it shows how much she doesn't listen! I get huge exercise! More than most healthy people! My driveway is 1km long! I walk the dogs, I shovel snow, I care for the ducks and chickens, I do yard work, I do dances! I get a couple of hours of exercise almost every day of the week (1-2 days a week I'm just too exhausted and my awesome son does it all for me, but 5-6 days a week I do it!). What an idiot!

To make my whole Doctor experience worse, I needed to get a form filled out (for government help for my prescriptions etc) and she said "she didn't have time to fill out forms and to take it to my family Doctor" ... ummm she's only be told 50 times I don't have a family Doctor yet! I'm on the damn government list for one! Have been for over six months! What a bitch!

Sooooo, I got more blood tests and a celiac disease test and i think a couple of other tests to do over the next couple of month. Hopefully I'll get a family Doctor soon so I can get the heck away from her. She is not good for my health!

Overall it was a frustrating and depressing experience. I'm not too sad over the health stuff. I was expecting that and all in all I'm not doing too bad. Just upset over the horrible Doctor.

Hugs and love!

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