
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Duckling Update

So far 11 ducklings have been born and 4 have died, so we are sitting at 7 ducklings and we still have one egg in the midst of hatching. Two of the ducklings and the hatching egg are in the house with me, while the other five ducklings are at the pond with their mamas.

Yesterday morning we had to run into New Glasgow. We were gone maybe two hours and when we came home we found three dead ducklings in the kiddie pool (plus one almost drowned that we managed to save). The ducklings that drowned were all born on Monday so simply didn't have the dexterity to get back out of the pool :(

This morning (Wednesday), the two Muscovy moms decided that they were going to the pond. We walked them down to the pond and noticed a couple of the newly hatched babes couldn't keep up and were weak. We were worried they would drown so kidnapped them. We also found an egg in the midst of hatching in their nest at the house, so we stole it too. Sadly, when we went to check on them at the pond about 30 minutes later, one duckling was missing (assumed drowned). So sad.

Google tells me that generally ducks (and chickens) wait 48 hours from when the first baby hatches till the time they leave the nest. The first baby hatched early Sunday, so today they are strong and have no problems walking and swimming. However, the poor little late hatchers are only a day old (or less!) and just can't keep up. For a baby duck a day is a long time!

The two ducklings I have in the house hatched yesterday, in a day or two when they are stronger I will hopefully be able to give them back to their moms. However, if I can't I'll raise them myself. I have them in the turkey room at the moment and the turkeys don't mind the company. they are very sweet tempered birds.

Here's some pics of the Muscovys. You can see a video on my previous post.

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