
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Trip to the Hospital

As you all know I have been having some health problems for the last couple of months. I got a really bad lung infection during the winter past and have been having a really hard time getting rid of it. As I have been moving around so much this last year, I haven't had a family Dr. and either end up going to a walk in clinic or the emergency room. Every time I have gone in, I have been told the same thing (asthma/bronchitis/lung infection)  and have been given the same thing (Prednisone). Nobody did any Xrays, blood work or anything, they just patted me on the head, gave me meds and sent me home.

I spent about 30 hours at hospital this week. It sucks hugely, but thankfully they took me seriously this time.

For the first time ever I called an ambulance. When the ambulance got here my oxygen intake was about 66/100. By the time we got to the hospital (about a 20 minute drive), my oxygen intake was about 82/100. Oxygen intake is suppose to be 95% and over. So, I got a crap load of oxygen/medicine masks, got some meds, had an IV thing put in etc etc.

For the first time ever they took blood, tested my heart and did Xrays.

Blood work came back excellent- even my B12 was great (I have pernicious anemia so often have low B12)

My blood pressure was horribly high and my heart rate was crazy high too, but that's more due to the breathing issues and my anxiety.

The heart test was all good.

The night time Doctor said that he thought the xrays were all good, but as he was new he wanted a more experienced Dr to look at them. So, I got to spend the night on oxygen with an iV :( It sucked. I never actually slept (I can not sleep in emerg, too noisy and upsetting), so come morning, hadn't slept or eaten in almost 30 hours.

The day time Doctor got there around noon and said there were "black flecks and what looked like scarring or lesions on my left lung". My right lung is all good. She wanted to set up an immediate CTscan. I got another IV put in, this one larger and much more painful; it's to inject dye into you for the scan (What fun).

About three hours later, Doctor came back and told  me they couldn't fit me in till Monday. The Doctor suggested I stay in the hospital till Monday.

Ummmm, I gotta move on Sunday!

The seemed to think it was be quite easy for me to change my moving plans ...  the driver I have booked could only do it on the weekend; the uhaul is booked; the internet company will be there Monday morning; the people moving in here in New Brunswick are planning on moving in Sunday after we leave cannot be cancelled ...

So, I got all my meds and signed myself out. They got me a CTscan set up in Nova Scotia for sometime next week

I have to say Fredericton New Brunswick hospital has the NICEST and most CARING! Two thumbs up from me!

So, we are moving tomorrow, my son is pretty well doing everything. Once we get to Thorburn we will get this lung problem fixed up. 

Money is going to be really tight for moving if anyone could spare a little, I would be hugely appreciated. I will pay you back asap (Or if you'd prefer dances/photos/videos etc). My interac bank transfer email is:

Next time I talk to you all, I'll be in Nova Scotia! How exciting! My internet is suppose to be hooked up Monday so I should be online Monday night.

Hugs and love!

1 comment:

  1. their involvement and participation is what caught the attention of this blog.
