
Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Busy Week

Wow, its been a busy week! We've been working hard cutting trails; clearing camping spots; trimming, cleaning and exploring. We've also been busy taking care of all the critters and welcoming some new ones!

Mama Muscovy duck and her five babes are now "released" into the Kappa Cove pond. They LOVE it! I was a little worried that they would go wild and they have still not come up to the coop at night, but they do come swimming over when I go down with food.

The two new hens, Buffy and Willow, that came with the Muscovies are now out freeranging with the rest of the flock and sleeping in the coop at night :)

During the week, I treated myself to a couple of new (used) gifts, a bicycle, two fishing rods, and a big BBQ for fests!

The BBQ is great- it has a propane grill section and a charcoal section, plus a burner and lots of shelves! It'll be great for festivals!

Also during the week, I bought some "Dulse" from the Country Marke down the steeet from me

Dulse is seaweed, it is crazy good for you. Here's a good article about it:

Honestly, I thought it tasted like disgusting dirty saltwater fish tank water. However, piles of my crazy Pagan friends thought it was delicious. What a bunch of weirdos! Because it's crazy good for me, I've been adding a little into my diet every day, but I've been breaking it up into flakes and hiding it in things :)

I also got some new ducks and hens this week (Today). I got three Saxony ducks and five Australrop cross hens.

The Saxony ducks are almost a year old. The two front ducks are gals and the back one is a drake.

Three of the hens are black and two are red

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