
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Snakes, Salamanders, Ducks, and Hens

I've been busy busy busy around here getting more grass mowed, more camping area cleaned up and taking care of the new feather babies. Love this place so much!

Here's my two new hens out in the pen enjoying some fresh air. They are about eight weeks old. the white one is named Buffy while the grey one is called Willow. I LOVE the look of the grey one! She's gorgeous. Going to be amazing looking when she gets older! They have to stay penned for about a week so the other hens can get use to them (you cannot just add new hens to a flock as the other hens will kill them)

I have been throwing all the rotted wood and twigs I pick up in the new fire pit. I had planned on having a fire on the weekend. I found a big stone and went to add it to the fire pit edging and damn, there is a snake making its home under all the wood in the fire pit! If I hadn't of noticed it, I could of burnt the poor little guy alive! :(  How horrible! So, I chased the snake out and burnt the wood in the fire pit so no one else would try making a home there. Lesson learned!

This is a Northern Red Belly snake. I found him under a rotted old board I moved. It is much smaller than the Maritime Garter snakes I had been seeing. 

And this is a Blue Spotted salamander. He was under the same rotted board the Red Belly snake was.

And here's mama duck and her babes. I gotta admit, ducks are really messy and stinky! WAY stinky than hens are. My project for tonight is too get the coop ready for them cause they stink too much to be in the house! Five adult hens didn't stink half as bad as mama duck and her six ducklings!

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