
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Goshawk, Jasmine and Turkey Poults

Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day around here. We had a new rescue kitty come in. her name is Jasmine, she's 9-10 years old. She is doing very well, not as scared as many of the other kitty cats that we get. She's an indoor/outdoor kitty, so once she's comfortable she'll get to go outside. Outdoor cats help to keep my featherbabies safer by chasing off predators.

My new turkey poults, Mork and Mindy are doing great. They are about 12 days old now. They eat like crazy! They LOVE tomato leaves, lettuce, cabbage, and hard boiled eggs. They are very friendly and calm; much friendlier than chicken chicks

The big excitement of yesterday was that we got attacked by a goshawk. My mama hen and her three chicks were outside in the dog pen and that goshawks attacked them. The top of the dog pen is covered, so the goshawk couldn't get in from above, so landed beside the pen on the ground and grabbed my barred rock chick by the head and tried to pull it through the bars out of the cage. We heard mama chicken scream and ran outside to see our new Muscovy duck drake, Rocky, jump on the goshawk. Thanks to Rocky, we were able to get to the chick in time and save her! Rocky ripped a bunch of feathers out of the goshawk before it escaped. The poor chick was in shock, but thankfully recovered. All the other chickens had run to hide under the lilac tree at the other side of the house. Sadly, our two roosters deserted mom and chicks. I'm not too impressed with that!

Rocky is a hero! Thanks to him, our beloved chick is alive. If he hadn't of attacked the goshawk, we wouldn't have gotten there in time. We got a Muscovy drake for flock protection. Rocky did exactly what i got him for! Now, we just need our Tom Turkey, Mork to get bigger! Tom turkeys are excellent flock protectors. They'll tell everyone else to run while they face down an eagle. 

The chicks are on lock down for a few days till we are sure the goshawk isn't coming back.

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