
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Woken by the Sound of Gun Shot

Well, it's 7:30am, I've been awake for about an hour, I was awoken by the sound of gun shot breaking the beautiful early morning peace. It is a disturbing sound and every time a gun goes off, I cringe and my heart is saddened as I know another sweet animal is being killed. :(

Hunting ... that's a pretty controversial topic.

You've probably noticed, I'm a pretty opinionated person and yep, I have strong opinions on hunting.

My opinion, hunting is far better than factory farming, and I'm ok with it IF the hunters are hunting to put food in their freezer to feed themselves and their family. Hunting for "sport" pissing me right off; I don't think the killing of anything should be "sport".

We are omnivores. We are suppose to be omnivores. That is how we were made, how we evolved. Unless we are going to take a vitamin supplement, we actually need meat to survive; our bodies need B12 to make new blood and the major source of B12 is meat (particularly red meat), without B12 we don't make new blood and eventually we die.

I totally get that hunting is more humane than factory farming is. However, it still breaks my heart to hear the gun shots ringing through the morning air, knowing that some dear animal is now laying dead on the ground.

I totally admit I'm a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to meat; I like to eat it, but I need some serious separation between me and my meat source. If I had to kill my on meat I would have to be a vegetarian.

Well, the sun is completely up, it's a cool, but bright morning. The gun shots have ended and things are back to their normal calm. Time to get ready for work. Have a great day!

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