
Monday, May 24, 2021

What a Day

Good afternoon friends! Hope you all had a nice weekend!

Guess what we did today ... yep, moved more hay-poop.

We go the wagon sort of fixed; got a wheelbarrow wheel on it. It has a slow leak so we have to refill the tire every 10-15 minutes, but at least it worked. 

We moved 17 wagon loads and 22 wheelbarrow loads this morning. We are determined to get this done!! So tired of doing this! So tired of smelling like poop. so tired of being in this much pain! Just so friggin' tired! I need it done!

We were just finishing up, was going to take a break, and our very nice neighbour showed up on his tractor. He can see the area we are working on from his house (He's on a hill) and felt bad for us. He kindly offered to help. Honestly, I came up to the house and wept in thanks. I was so happy that someone would help us. Unfortunately, the hay is so compressed and packed down (from all the months and all the weight of the 12+ cows. the last time the cow owners had cleaned up their poop/hay mess was August 2020, so there is 6-7 months of mess there) that he couldn't do it! It would roll up in such a huge amount his tractor couldn't push it!!! Oh my Gods! What??!!!!

Below is a photo of what him did. He said we would need to find someone with a bigger tractor that has a front loader

It was really really nice of him to try, but damn, that was crushing! I went from happy crying to depressed crying :( I thought it was finally going to be over and nope, 

So after, he left, Travis and I dragged our sorry butts back outside and cleaned up the ridges. Ten more wagon loads. 

Last photo ... yep, more string/rope. What the hell? It's a miracle none of the cows and horses have died from it. Poor things, they deserve better.

So we ended the day with load 409. The wheelbarrow loads are only about half the size of the wagon loads, but I'm counting them as a full load cause mentally and emotionally it makes me feel better and I need that right now! 

Thanks so much for listening to me boo-hoo. I'm blessed to have such great friends. Thanks for the support! Huge love!


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