
Monday, August 31, 2015


My new house has mice. Ok, that's not really surprising as pretty well any country home has mice; however, this one has mice in the walls and in the attic that scratch and chew all night, and are downright freaky!

I slept about two hours Friday night and about an hour Saturday night, Sunday I moved my bed (and bedroom stuff) to the bedroom at the other end of the house.

I have cats; I have three barn cats that are excellent mousers. However, they are more outside than inside. I've started keeping them inside as much as possible and they have killed a few mice, but they really cannot get to the ones in the walls.

My plan for today, is to try putting the best mouser in the attic for a few hours. Hopefully that will help take care of a bunch of the one up there. I'm thinking of doing it daily for a few weeks, maybe an hour or two each day. The biggest problem I see with this plan is the cat certainly won't eat them all, so will the attic (and the house) start to stink from decaying mouse bodies?

I admit I'm a girlie girl and freak out over mice. They give me the serious willies! Dirty disgusting little things they are! I know that is very un-Pagany of me. I love all of Mother Earth's children, I just don't want to share my house with many of them!

Before I moved here, I had a "friend" say I wouldn't need the barn cats cause there wouldn't be as many mice in the forest as there is in the farming community. Pffft! I told her she was very wrong and yep, I think this proves it. I lived in a 120 year old farm house before here and didn't have a 10th of the mice.

I'm sure my cats will do a good job getting rid of the mice, it's just going to take them a few months.

I hope you all have a great week! Hugs!

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